Elmore Court Wedding


Elmore Court is the perfect backdrop for your Summer Wedding Flowers. Delight in V&J's stunning Wedding photos to give you some fresh EC inspiration for your Wedding Day.

Elmore Court Wedding2024-07-15T14:11:52+00:00

Pastel Florals


Are you wondering what colours to choose for your Wedding? Check out this lovely Pastel Floral blog to give you some Mid Summer inspo!

Pastel Florals2024-07-03T08:58:27+00:00

Kind Words


Kind words or Reviews? Does it matter when the feedback is this good? Hannah shares some of her favourite reviews form past couples.

Kind Words2024-12-16T13:43:08+00:00

British Flowers Week


Celebrate British Flowers Week and buy locally grown, seasonal flowers from your nearest Flower farmer using the FFTF website.

British Flowers Week2024-05-20T11:12:30+00:00

Crumplebury Wedding


Aimee & Gerald's late April Wedding at Crumplebury is a showstopper with Peonies, Icelandic Poppies and more in sherbet tones.

Crumplebury Wedding2024-05-06T07:01:01+00:00

Work with me!


I really hope that by working with me, I will bring you some added joy to your Wedding Planning journey. I love to chat Wedding and of course Flowers!

Work with me!2025-01-21T18:34:57+00:00

April Wedding Inspiration


A beautiful April Wedding in shades of pink, white and seasonal greenery to capture your imagination at Barns & Yard.

April Wedding Inspiration2024-04-08T10:21:28+00:00

Cake Flowers


If you're considering having fresh flowers on your cake then it's worth reading this informative blog post because who doesn't love Cake & Flowers !?

Cake Flowers2024-03-24T08:36:21+00:00

Celebrating Women with Flowers


Celebrate the Women in your life by attending Hannah's Handtied Bouquet Masterclass this March..

Celebrating Women with Flowers2024-09-24T14:48:00+00:00


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